his is not the first pandemic to hit the watch industry. But the measures being taken across the world to tackle the coronavirus are unprecedented, with a global lockdown.
The consequences for the watch industry will be considerable: in the short term, there is the cessation of trade and logistical flows. Over the longer term, we could see values transformed. In this special issue, based on the theme of resilience in the watch industry, we try to make sense of the current situation.
The imagery in this issue is based around the Japanese concept of Kintsugi, which is the art of “precious scars”: a way of mending broken porcelain by joining the pieces together with lacquer mixed with powdered gold. Will the watch industry once again be able to turn lead into gold?
The issue will be available on May 25. To receive your copy, make sure to subscribe here.
- The new issue of Europa Star is devoted to the theme of resilience in the new pandemic age.
- ©Europa Star